The Semi-Serious Cyclist loves his fenders.
The SSC likes to be comfortable when he rides, and everyone
knows that cycling with soggy feet is not comfortable. In fact, it sucks. Indeed,
no matter how wet the rest of him gets, the SSC will be happy so long as his
feet stay dry. And fenders will do just that, most of the time. Bicycle fenders
are practical, simple, and civilized. On rainy spring rides, they keep feet dry
and jackets mud-free; they protect the undercarriage of bicycle and rider; they provide a small opportunity for smugness when
passing soggy-assed non-fendered cyclists; and best of all, they allow a
cyclist to blast straight through the middle of puddles with impunity, like any
brazen 8-year-old.
There was a time when the SSC was ignorant of the wonders of
fenders. He would wince at the thought of adding such a dorkish accessory to
his pure mount. Fenders were for old fogies, he naively assumed. So what if
your feet get a little wet? Who cares if you splatter mud up your backside and
into the faces of fellow cyclists? Like wearing socks with sandals, putting
fenders on a bike meant you’d given up on looking remotely cool. What would be
next? A kickstand? Reflectors? A wicker basket? A 7-foot- long antenna with a
reflective orange flag on it?
Now that he’s older and wiser, the SSC has learned that
fenders aren’t dorky at all. Edging ever closer to fogiedom, he is not the
least bit self-conscious about his. In fact, he believes now that fenders can
make almost any bike look better. Fenders
don’t have to be ornate to do the trick. Simple plastic, basic black, will
suffice. But if one’s in the market for fancy-pants fenders, there are lots of
ostentatious options out there: aluminum, maple, or bamboo, for instance. They
come in as many colors, patterns, and materials as any other piece of jewelry.
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Brass Beauties |
Some naysayers balk at the sight of a bike with fenders. Too
bulky, overdressed, these doubters claim—like wearing big, old rubber galoshes in
all weather, just in case it might rain.
Pshaw! Fenders are never too
much. They simply announce that a bicycle is ready for business. Sometimes they
can make a plain-as-a-plate bicycle look positively gussied up; they suggest an
attention to detail, a sense of confidence, even panache. Think of them as the perfect
accessory, one that’s both practical and stylish, like a sharp pair of
eyeglasses that makes an otherwise unremarkable face suddenly noticeable.
Sure, fenders can rattle a bit; yes, on wet gravel roads,
they can get gunked up with mud; true, they add a few extra ounces to your
ride. And in a heavy downpour, even the best fenders won’t keep your feet
completely dry. Nothing will, heaven forfend! In such conditions, fenders will allow
one to stay dry just that much longer, to avoid that unseemly stripe down one’s
back –-to maintain one’s dignity.
So say nay no more, ye doubters. Slap on a pair! Fenders
will return the love.
Handlebar tassels and those splinky things you clip onto your spokes. ;)