Thursday, December 21, 2017

Victorian Cyclist Stocking Stuffers

Cycling accessories have long made for perfect gifts for the cycling enthusiast, whether the sporting gentleman or the adventurous New Woman. 

We at the Dusty Musette have assembled a small list of suggested gift items--both sundries and accoutrements--for the Victorian cyclist in your life. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Kuwahara Death Pose

My winter commuting bike died last week. It was a red and white Kuwahara mountain bike, fixed fork, circa 1987, which I purchased second hand (more likely, seventh hand) for $80 from Edmonton Bicycle Commuters three years ago. The bike was, by any measure, a piece of crap, and always had been. But I had grown fond of it and feel a little sad that it’s now toast, its scavenged carcass splayed out in my backyard.