“One day, wishing to get rid of the several days’ growth of
bristling beard on my face, I took out my shaving apparatus, hooked the leather
strap to the brake handle, honed the razor, found an old can, brought some
water from a brook near by, pinned the pocket mirror on a tree, and got as
clean a shave as I ever had, washing my face with one corner of a handkerchief,
and drying it with the other end.”
--George B. Thayer Pedal and Path: Awheel and Afoot across the Continent (1887)
--George B. Thayer Pedal and Path: Awheel and Afoot across the Continent (1887)
George B. Thayer was on the outskirts of Chicago, in the
middle of the westward leg of his solo journey across America in 1886, when he
succumbed to an overpowering impulse to get off his high-wheel bicycle and
shave his face. I imagine there are, at this very moment around the world, many
Movember-weary cyclists who can appreciate—and are perhaps jealous of--Thayer’s
bold, some may even say rash, “IMPROMPTU SHAVE.”

Open-air personal grooming (flossing at the park,
ear-cleaning on the street, an enema on the beach, etc.) is not generally something
that happens much in North America these days. But why not? Animals do it, and as
much as we try to deny it, we too are creatures of nature, after all. Perhaps Thayer
is onto something primal here—heeding some deep animalistic urge for
spontaneous grooming, like a cat licking itself whenever it feels like it.
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